Mexican alien baby hoax

Watch: Is The Mexican UFO Alien Baby Real?

This video which claims to show the corpse of an alien baby found by a Mexican farmer in 2007 seems to prove that even...
The Collest Cooler Goes Bust

Uncool: The Myth of Kickstarter: The Coolest Cooler Runs Our Of Cash

Remember that cooler everyone bought on Kickstarter with the built-in blender, radio, speaker, LED light and onboard nuclear generator? They raised $13 million to...

WSJ Tries To Convince Readers There’s No Japanese Nuclear Crisis

What Part of "Nuclear Meltdown" Does The Wall Street Journal Not Understand? WSJ Says Don't Be Afraid of Radiation: Japanese Prime Minister Disagrees Maybe the Wall...
cant unsee cat

Horrfied By Scary Timeline Videos? How To Turn Off Autoplay

Many people were shocked to see the video of the crazed gunman shootngs of the Roanoke, Virginai TV news crew automatically playing on their...
British Petroleum: Bringing People Together

The BP Ad You Probably Haven’t Seen

BP: Bringing People Together...against big oil companies, with environmental disasters. The tagline?  "Brown. It's the new green." So how's that orangey, oily, leaky thing...
Hot babe with boobs recycling

Just a reminder that Earth Day is April 22

This proves that it's not just tree hugging nerds who like to recycle.  Go green!
BP Cares Oil Spill logo

Shock Video: Its Raining BP Oil In Louisiana

Are the Corexit 9500 oil disputants that BP is using on the massive Gulf spill causing excessive evaporation and black oily rain to fall...
Helix Nebula, The Eye Of God

Is The Helix Nebula The Eye Of God?

Subject: Fw: Eye of God This is a picture taken by NASA with the Hubble telescope. They are referring to it as the...

Mark Zuckerberg’s Sister Also Pissed Off at Facebook When “Private” Pic is Tweeted

Seems like Facebook founder Mark Zukerbergs own sister doesn't understand how friends of your friends can see your updates on their own timeline, and...
laptop-crank up $100 MIT

Starbucks Pulls The Plug On Free Electricity

Say Hello To Free WiFi at Starbucks, Goodbye To Free Electric Outlets Welcome to Starbucks, home of the dead and dying personal electrical device....